We Are
Not Your Survivor
Find Out More


Not Your Survivor's (NYS) mission is to create transparency around an issue that is rarely talked about in our society due to a heavy barrier of shame. NYS approaches family sexual abuse (FSA) from the perspective that, as a society, we can’t begin to address or heal what we don’t talk about. NYS seeks to erase the social taboos around FSA, all the while growing a supportive, understanding community for those who have experienced FSA and their allies.



We believe that everyone should have access to the healing guidance, techniques, and care that they need.


We strive to ensure that no one has to go through the pain of healing from family sexual abuse alone.


We wholly embrace the courage it takes to claim ourselves, our potential, and our lives.


Look for Not Your Survivor's FSA recovery and allyship resources on the following platforms:


Flagship recovery and allyship


Internal and external FSA dynamics

Spotify and SoundCloud

Accessible audible therapy


  • Our Beginnings

    Not Your Survivor sprung from a personal growth journey that didn't seem to have many tailored healing resources. While many avenues of support exist for survivors of sexual assault, childhood sexual abuse, domestic abuse, etc., family sexual abuse (FSA) lies within a social landscape that doesn't encourage openness or conversation: both of which are necessary components for healing. Not Your Survivor aims to provide a collection of FSA healing resources that are free and easily accessible for those who have experienced FSA, information for allies looking to support those who have experienced FSA, and community for those who suffer and recover silently.

  • Our Name

    The term "survivor" carries many connotations for survivors of assault. For many, it is empowering to think of oneself as a "survivor" as opposed to its often negatively associated opposite: "victim." For others, the term "victim" provides validation by appropriately attributing accountability for the assault(s) the experiencer was not responsible for causing. Not Your Survivor holds space for these and many other views on the understanding that these views are reflections of language that grant experiencers the most strength and agency for their unique circumstances. Not Your Survivor chooses to place emphasis on the lived realities of an FSA experiencer, namely:

    • While one may have lived through trauma-causing assault(s), the effects of the assault(s) on one's psyche often must be contended with throughout the course of the experiencer's life
    • No FSA experiencer is a "survivor" of a society that enforces shame and silence
  • Our Words

    Not Your Survivor embraces the term "family sexual abuse" (FSA) because it provides clarity for experiencers, while also eschewing the limiting contexts and social resistance often ignited by more commonly used terms.

  • Change

Our Team

Alex Robertson

Founder, Creative Director

Looking to lend your talents to Not Your Survivor? We are always interested in earnest, curious, and compassionate people who can help us foster a community of trauma-informed allies.

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